Paideia Seminars

Beverly Woods is proud to be a Paideia School which is integrated into our school through Paideia Seminars for students, staff, and parents.
Definition of PAIDEIA \pīˈdāə\: training of the physical and mental faculties in such a way as to produce a broad enlightened mature outlook harmoniously combined with maximum cultural development.
Paideia is active learning, it is on-going, not merely a seminar or two for a handful of the teaching staff. It is truly a philosophy that fosters critical and creative thinking through various methods.
Learners are seated facing one another and the teacher serves more as a facilitator explaining that the class will “think through it together” and that it is alright if the student does not know the answers. Paideia is not about finding an answer rather looking for the questions that will get everyone talking together. The teacher will map the conversation, connect ideas and move the conversation forward ensuring all participate.
Most recently, students participated in a schoolwide Paideia Seminar about the book “A Penny’s Worth” by Kimberly Wilson (a former BWE parent). Through this book, students explored what makes them priceless and how their words and actions affect how other people feel about themselves.
Students also wrote letters to themselves about what makes them “priceless” which they were encouraged to save and read on a day they are not feeling their best.
Our K-2 students participated in a seminar on the book “The Day You Begin,” by Jaqueline Woodson. A few students read the poem “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon. Both writings are focused around the idea of recognizing one’s identity and sharing it with others. Parents were also invited to participate.

Beverly Woods Elementary
6001 Quail Hollow Road
Charlotte, NC 28210
Bell Schedule: 7:45 AM – 2:45 PM
Grades: K-5